Mars captured with my Lacerta Newton 250/1000mm and just an ASI 290 MC back in November 2020 by doing a test of the equipment. I was impressed what is possible with just 1000mm focal length considering the seeing in Hamburg is always bad.
Actually, I wanted to test my APO 432/72 setup with Baaders Flip-Mirror to enjoy life observation and be able to record or shoot objects right during my visual session by just „flipping“ between visual and camera light ray. The view through an eypiece to observe the life sky is still a different joy in astronomy. I usually do astrophotography but I also really like enjoing a life visual „sky-walk“. I did the testing by being in my home-office and pointed the telescope right through the open window. The result of first a test recording is the image of Saturn captured by nothing additional but ASI 290 MC and an UV Cut Filter. Do planet photography with a 432mm scope – I did not expect such a result. Motivated by the picture of Saturn I repeated the same by pointing on Jupiter. I was satisfied. Simple set ups and easy targets – that is sometimes real fun in astronomy. Clear skies, Matthias
I decided to move my content to a blog-styled media… why? I was not satisfied anymore by the old style of structure… I wanted to be more flexible in sharing my impressions on earth and beyond earth – starting with my views at the night sky… Step by step I will bring back the impressions to this place… Please stay tuned… 🙂